About Physiotherapy

What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a form of medical intervention that focuses on the science of movement and rehabilitation. Physiotherapists work with a variety of individuals to help them restore mobility, function, and strength and to promote overall physical wellness.

Physiotherapy in Canada:

In order to become a physiotherapist in Canada you need to complete a Master’s Degree. This degree contains many placements where you work alongside other physiotherapists and healthcare professionals in hospital, clinic, and community settings in order to gain knowledge. The physiotherapy degree itself teaches you skills in orthopedics, musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiorespiratory, pediatric, geriatric, and pain rehabilitation. After completing a Master’s Degree, you must complete a national exam and be registered in good standing with the college in your province/territory. Physiotherapists in Canada are primary healthcare providers, you do not need a doctor’s note in order to see one!

As a physiotherapist, you can always continue to take more courses to gain skills and knowledge. For a list of the courses I have taken visit the about me page!

What do Physiotherapists Treat?

  • Musculoskeletal conditions such as strains, sprains, tears, whiplash, and fractures
  • Neurological conditions such as strokes, concussions, Parkinson’s, MS, and spinal cord injuries
  • Orthopedic conditions such as arthritis, joint replacements, and amputations
  • Pain conditions such as fibromyalgia, CRPS, chronic pain, and acute pain
  • Cancer-related conditions such as lymphedema, fatigue, pain, and stiffness
  • Respiratory conditions such as general and post-operative deconditioning
  • Pelvic Floor conditions
  • Fall Prevention and Balance issues
  • Post-Operative recovery
  • Improving strength and fitness for sport or returning to sport

As a physiotherapist, I do not just look at your physical body. I may ask you questions about your mental health, your social life, work, and your community in order to get a better picture of how your physical function is impacting the rest of your life, and vice versa. This is called taking a biopsychosocial approach to health.